Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 10th Assignment

It's not a question, it's an activity. You can't just do this assignment sitting in your basement. You need to find a friend (preferably one you've had awhile) and ask them what they think happens after death. Is there a heaven? Is there nothing? Do we get to come back as someone else? How does it work? What gave them their ideas about the afterlife? Initiate a conversation with this friend and then come back here and let us know how it went. It'll be easier than you think.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 20th Q.O.T.D.

One of the ways Christians can view why bad things happen to good people is so that good people get better (or godly!).  God uses suffering to strengthen His people.  Therefore think a bit about your own life and then give us a comment on what lessons about God or life you have learned through hard times or suffering or confusion.  Thanks.

P.S. Q.O.T.D. is "Question of the Day".

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 13th Discussion Question: Why do you believe what you believe?

During this week's episode, Greg and Jasser discuss how Jasser became a Muslim.  It came down to the fact that Jasser's parents are Muslims.  Greg asked Jasser that if his parents were Christians, would he be a Christian?  To that, Jasser said he'd be a Christian.  So what about you?  Why do you believe what you believe?  If your parents were Hindu's, would you be?  If they were Muslims, Mormons, or Zoroastrians, would you be?  Or would you be a Christian?  Why do you believe what you believe?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Assignment from March 6th

Here's the question: "How do you tell someone they're wrong?" At least two-thirds of the world isn't saved, so two-thirds of the world is wrong about religion, spirituality and God. So... how would you tell someone they're wrong? I would love an example, too, either actual or potential. Awesome.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Class Assignment from February 27, 2011

When asked, "what is your purpose in life?," how did your peers, co-workers, family, classmates, and/or people on the street respond?

Episode 3: What is your purpose in life? What will your "dash" look like?

The Assignment this week is to prayerfully answer the question, "What is your purpose in life?"  Certainly you can lead the answer with the Westminster Confession's First Section, "the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."  But I am looking for how that looks concretely IN YOUR LIFE.  What (or who) are you about?  How does that purpose look in your everyday life?  What will you do with your "dash?"  What I mean is, what will you do with the time from your birth date to your death date that will show your purpose?